Selendroid apk does not exist in appium 1.6.3

hi guys, sorry for my bad English

i’m using node.js and wd.js for automation, i had add automationName:" Selendroid " on my capabilities
but appium give me an error like Error: Can not start a session selendroid apk Because the server does not exist. Please runNPM run-script selendroidin the appium-selendroid-driver package

and as the above command, i do NPM run-script selendroid on appium-selendroid-drivers folder, it’s like downloading selenium.apk and other components, and i launch again my script but the appium logs still give me the same error, i have to check the selendroid.apk in the appium-selendroid-driver folder and it’s already exist …
what’s wrong ?

please tell me the problem ASAP,
Thanks Firman

Have you found any fixes for this?