Unable to detect web elements in iPad by name or id after upgrading the appium from 1.7.2 to 1.10.0

Getting this error : locator strategy ‘css selector’ is not supported for this session appium java

Tried in the following ways:

1.Installed 1.7.2 but the server is showing 1.9 version–This may be due to the version 1.10.1 appium, which was previously installed.
2.Appium server 1.7.2 was started by command prompt. Ran the script then xcode error with error code 65 is coming.
3.Tried installing lower versions but all version are converting to default 1.9.1
4.Upgraded all the required jars like selenium server standalone, java-client–even then the error “locator strategy ‘css selector’ is not supported for this session appium java” is coming.

kindly provide the version of the jars that need to be used so that the above error is resolved.

I am using appium 1.10 with below important jars.

not facing any issue with iPAD testing as well.

i am using the same version of jars and selenium-java has been used. Selenium-api we are not using for appium version 1.7 it was working fine but 1.10 it is not detecting native apps elements