Unable to get locators of the cordova hybrid android app

Hi, I have tried uiautomationvirewer and Appium desktop but i am unable to perform my automation as I am unable to get locator of the cordova hybrid android app. Please suggest something. Here are the details of my platform:

Platform you are automating (iOS or Android) - Android
Appium version - 1.6.2
Simulator/Emulator or Real Device- Real Device Lenovo
The language you are using for writing tests (client binding) - Java
Your OS - Windows10

If you could attach your Appium logs from a problem run, it would help diagnose your issue. Im not quite sure what you mean by “get locator of the cordova app”… Are you having trouble getting a lock on the webview context of your running app or can you not get the app to launch at all when you run tests? Are you through those issues and just unable to get an element? If you attach some logs and try to rephrase the issue you are having, I can maybe help you through.