Unable to inspect element in browser opened by clicking link in App

I am trying to automate a hybrid app using appium for android and ios. I am able to click on the contact us link present in the app.On clicking it, chrome browser is opened and contact us page is displayed. There i am able to get the WEBVIEW of the browser and able to switch to the browser, but i am unable to find any elements in contact us page.

Note: After switching to WEBVIEW of chrome, I tried getting the pagesource of the page , but it is showing the pagesource of my app even when the app is in background

I’m unsure if you can use the appium driver to have the phone switch the current app like this. Can you get the current context, as well as current activity after that click is done and chrome opens?

@bennid i am getting the current chrome activity after chrome opens (org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeTabbedActivity) . regarding context i am able to see the WEBVIEW_Chrome and also able to switch to it. still it is unable to find element in browser.