Unable to locate locators - Appium inspector

I am trying to locate the xpath for the elements present in the application but, appium inspector couldn’t able to do it. Below are the elements that was recognised by the inspector :
<XCUIElementTypeApplication name=“Apella”>
<XCUIElementTypeOther name=“No Service”>
<XCUIElementTypeOther name=“3 of 3 Wi-Fi bars”>
<XCUIElementTypeOther name=“12:23”>
<XCUIElementTypeOther name=“100% battery power, Charging”>

I am using appium v 1.7.1, iPhone 6 plus (10.3.3), Xcode 9.0.1
Note : The .ipa file of the application was built with Xcode 7.2 but appium is using Xcode 9, would this be an issue ?

Are you using latest version of appium desktop ? https://github.com/appium/appium-desktop/releases

If issue still exists, please open new ticket in above mentioned GH project.

Hi Vikram,
Yes, i am using the latest appium desktop version. I have raised the issue under the above given project link in GH.