Upload File through sendkeys to Android Emulator returns unexpected error

Hey all,

I am having an issue where I am trying to use SendKeys to upload a file to an input on a Web Page using appium and chromedriver.

Did not expect any exception, but found OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException with message “Unexpected error. The URL ‘/wd/hub/session/c44b0c1b-04e5-4c81-a733-2527fd133653/file’ did not map to a valid resource”


Where text is the path to the file on the local machine not on the emulator. I have also set the FileDetector to LocalFileDectector.

This works correctly using Selenium but when I add Appium into the mix, it will throw that Error.

Is there something that I am doing incorrectly or documentation that shows how to correctly do this? I can provide any other information if needed.

Thanks for the help.