Web App Testing on IOS Real Device

HI all,

I’m unable to launch Safari on IOS device.Could you please help me on this, what is the setup and installations , capabilities do i required ? Suggestions would be much appreciated !!!
I’m having below specifications,
Mac OS X 10.9,
XCode 6.1, iPhone 7.1 or 8.1 , Appium 1.3.5v ,java client 2.1.0 .


Doc is here:



Thanks for your valuable suggestions @sebv ,

I had ios-webkit-debug-proxy installed earlier… But i’m unable to do Safari Launcher App on real device.

Hope will get suggestions on this…

Thank you,

But i’m unable to do Safari Launcher App on real device

This is a requirement.

Yes @sebv ,

Please help me regarding this…


@sebv, @bhaskar
IF you guys are trying on real ios device then you need to be register on “apple developer program”. Have you done that?
The cost of that is $99. else you need to try the same setups on simulator and you will see that it will work.

Is it possible to test webapp on real ios ipod device without having apple developer provisioning profile?

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