What is the appium version required for Testing Hybrid applications on iOS10.3?
We have an app that is accessed through:
a. iOS Safari browser on iPhone\iPad
b. Hybrid App.
What is the appium version required for iOs10.3?
For iOS 10.0 we are using appium 1.6.3.
Since you are already using Appium 1.6, you should try with 1.6.3. If it doesn’t work, try installing the 1.6.4-beta, as that’s what many, including myself are running with. Since iOS 10.3 is still new, I doubt many have even tried it yet.
For iOS 10.3 you do require XCODE 8.3 , when you are taking XCODE 8.3 you need to download Appium 1.6.4 beta
I read something earlier today that the devs ran some regression tests against iOS 10.3 with Appium 1.6.4-beta and everything passed.
Hi @venkatsadineni if you are able to test iOS Hybrid app on 10.3 or above, can you please help me with the following versions you are using
- xCode
- Mac OS
- Appium
- Java client
- Selenium
- Real Device Model, etc(If i missed anything)