I’m new to Appium and Android automation, generally experienced in Web Automations using Selenium.
Recently we have been looking to automate our Android application, one thing I’ve noticed is that I can not find items unless they are visible on the screen, i.e. I need to scroll the page
Is this always the case? as I would find it difficult to automate when the screen resolutions are different, meaning less/more scrolling required.
Basically I have a Form that has many elements, you have to scroll vertically to see all of these. On different devices you have more or less scrolling to perform.
For instance a 480x800 resolution vs 1440x2560 resolution , the Form needs different amount of scrolling to get to elements. I see you can use ScrollTo() but the elements do not have a Name so would need to use Swipe() , defining the amount of scrolling required.
I am new at this and learning exch day what is possible, this may not be an issue just something I have to learn to overcome.
Its easy to handle different devices, you need to first check if element is displayed or not, if displayed then click else scroll a bit and again check. Keep this loop till you find element.
Hi, I am facing issue where I am trying to capture contents in a scroll view. Problem is that when I do findElements I am only getting data of what is visible. I need the entire data . I understand that I need to scroll to each data to do it. How can I scroll to a textnode and then get its parent to get all textnodes for that parent. Basically in the screenshot , I need to scroll to each match detail, I am thinking using first player name and get its parent viewgroup and then from that get all textnodes . How can I achieve this in appium java code.