Action sheet pops up with out long pressing

would appreciate help on this particular issue
Currently automating a chat application, where in the chat screen there are chat messages, a text filed to type message and a send button.
After entering the text into the field and pressing on Send, sends the message which appears on the chat screen above the text field.
When user does a long press, there is an action sheet which appears with options Delete(Deletes a message) n Cancel(Cancels the action)
While automating this scenario, without doing a long press on any individual message This action sheet appears and blocks my automation.This action appears in between any event while typing a message or clicking on send.

would like to know what could be the root cause of this action sheet appearing without me doing a long press(this neven appears while using the app manually, appears only when i am using Appium) and how can i handle this as this appears N number of times frequently.

i am on Appium 1.4.16/1.5.3/1.6.0
Language Ruby
