"adb devices" not picking up my device

Dear all,

When I connect an android telephone (tried with samsung g3 and htc one), running adb devices is not picking up any device. I am running the appium gui.

Appium version:
OS: windows 7, 64 bit

I have set the developer option on the phone and usb debugging, but when running adb devices my device is not listed. When I start a virtual device the adb devices picks this up. Everything checks out when running the doctor.

The pc picks up my device in device manager, and I can see it connected in windows explorer. Any suggestions for why adb devices is not picking it up?


My experience in samsung g3 is that you need a proper USB driver for it even if it appears in your windows explorer. Try checking your device manager and see if Samsung driver doesn’t have a exclamation point in the icon. If it has, then you need to install the usb driver.

Be sure also to update your Android SDK manager with the Android version you’re using in your phone.

You were right, there was an exclamation point in the icon. I installed the usb driver and it got listed in adb devices!

Thanks so much your help! :smile: