I am trying to add V5.0.4 dependencies in the pom.xml file.
As soon as I add the dependencies and build the project, it shows an error on the pom.xml file.
In eclipse , beside the “Console” tab, there will be tab called “Markers” tab, it shows the errors which are in the attached text file.
ErrorsInMarkersTab.txt (5.7 KB)
Another thing I noticed is when I go to configure build project and see the jars, errors are shown on the jars itself as shown below.
Another thing is :
In the following path “C:\Users\Amruth.m2\repository\io\appium\java-client\5.0.4”
“java-client-5.0.4” file is only not present.
My gut feeling says all the problem is because java-client.5.0.4.jar file is not getting downloaded as shown in the above line. Don’t understand why. Somehow, Appium 5 below, that jar file is getting downloaded into respective folders.