Allow multiple ios devices

Anything new about this?

Apple instrumentation allows only one device at a time

But Dan Cuellar said in a question:

This is a limitation imposed by Apple’s UIAutomation framework and There are several ways that we are considering to get around it, but at the moment we have not implemented any of them.


I’m curious as well!

More: Is it even possible if they aren’t simultaneous, so, running test A on device A then test B on device B and finally test C on device A.

I’m having trouble with this on real devices (ios7) because I cannot kill application on device and so appium cannot access it again.

Erm. It is possible if they are not simultaneous. What exactly are you seeing? Is Test C dependent on the state of Device A’s target application?

Chat, file transfer, video call, etc… application.

It’s… possible. I actually suggest figuring out how to spawn a VM when you want a Device B to be a part of your test sequence.

This is a very challenging problem. Appium does not have out of the box support and I urge you to write your own tool for this if you really need to automate it.

There’s a question of if it’s even worth the time to write something this complex. Manually testing it may be worth it in the end.

What language do you usually work in? Send me an email, I’d like to talk about something like this. [email protected]