Allow Wireless Data Popup

Im using appium 2.0.0-beta.52.
When I’m starting an iOS test with a real iPhone device, with “app” and fullReset capabilities, the application gets several permission popups (Bluetooth, location, wireless data).

I tried to use the capabilities autoDismissAlerts and autoAcceptAlerts, and I got the desired behavior which is to allow the popups, except in the wireless data which got the wrong choice. The problem is that the wireless data permission has 3 choices (wlan, wlan& cellular or don’t allow), and the last option which is don’t allow is automatically selected no matter if the mentioned capabilities are True.

How can I set also this permission to be allowed (WLAN&Cellular option)?
The application is uninstalled and installed at the start of the automation, so any configuration that I made in the settings is not saved.

Thanks :slight_smile:


Try to provide acceptAlertButtonSelector setting

Thanks @mykola-mokhnach !

May I know do you get how to use this? i encountered the same problem now