Android API level supported by Appium

Reference link: UiAutomator died while responding to command, Android physical device, C# VS2013

What is the correct Android API level which appium supports? Is it different for emulators and real devices? I am new to appium and have been trying to use it with API level 17 for last 1 week unsuccessfully. I have tried both C# and Java clients.

Which version of appium are you using? The latest version has an Bug ( which let the test run fail on API Level below 18 (when using UIAutomator, which is the default). So better use Selendroid or build Appium from the current master. For Selendroid Mode checkout

I am using the latest Appium exe client. I didn’t build it from the source code.

Its an issue within the server not the client. So currently it tsrat working from API level 18. REal Device or emulator doesn’t matter.