Android Application not get installed to device

I am using windows 8. Here i attached my windows settings and console info…
I m not getting any error on console, but its not installed on device. and please help me to resolve the issue and guide me what are the next steps in appium testing.I refferred many documents but it gives different methods, it made me confused.It would be very helpful if you can help me.

Thanks in advance.

From your screenshot I can tell that you only start the Appium server, so it won’t run to any further step.
Can you click on the magnifier icon on the top right corner? You will see a bunch of log information and based on that, you can proceed further

Have you checked the pre launch option in settings?

yes. now i did pre launch options.And i have created a script for testing facebook app…But, I am getting error
could not find connected device…adb devices command listing my device i a

m attaching the screen shot of the error.

also i have a doubt that whether i should set the tha path of microsft .net framework path?..

i am able to run application using eclipse well…What could be the error? please help me.

process monitor screen giving me the error path not found at some where…can you go through this?

Hi Shifana, in your first screenshot I have observed that you have checked “Use Browser” option also(you cant set both apk and browser options together) and in Device Name field some garbage string is present(is it your device udid?).
Please uncheck “Use Browser” option and provide proper device name and start Appium server with pre Launch option.

And you need not to set the path of .Net Framework.

Hope it will resolve your issue. :wink:

Thank you,

my issue is resolved, i have added “C:\Windows\System32” this path to the environment variable path.