ANDROID_HOME issues on Appium-Mac

worked for me. appium-inspector on GUI is also working fine now. Thanks a lot for your help.

Sure. One thing to add to my previous post: I looked up how shells were changed on OS X, and the convenient command is the same as it is for Linux systems: the chsh command. It would be handy to keep this in mind in the future for anyone who runs into issues where the default shell is not what they expect.

I tried the command echo $SHELL again, its still showing me /bin/sh
Preferences is set to : /bin/bash
no issues with appium also.
any other checks I need to do?

Also can you please give me link for some good tutorial to get deep understanding of these concepts?

The $SHELL variable represents your default shell. So far, the Terminal application will run bash, but bash is not your default. I think you’ll need to use chsh to change your default.

I don’t have any recommendations for tutorials, but searching the web for a tutorial will be a good start. Here’s one such result:

Please Open the Bash file and then add according to your mac installation as shown below and then try to use appium doctor for the confirmation.

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/XXXXX/Library/Android/sdk
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_71.jdk/Contents/Home
export PATH=${PATH}$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$JAVA_HOME/bin

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thank you very much! Works for me perfectly.

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Thank U!, I too got the same issue and fixed by your comment. When explained about the shells.i got the clear idea about bash and linux shell through your reply!