Android real device Dom is empty issue

I have Hybrid application that Im testing with Appium.
I have some issue with the last Android app version I got from the dev team, after the app initialise I can find the elements and login successfully but from that point, there is no elements in the dom.
driver.getPageSource return something like that:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>

Im using:
Appium 1.22.0
Android version from 7 to 11

*Its happening only with real device, with emulator everything works.
*Dev team dont know what can it be
*I tried to switch context but there is only Native context (I know should be also webview but…)

  1. double check that webView is enabled for DEBUG in app
  2. check that you able connect to webView on app with Chrome browser from computer ->