App appears and disappears in a loop on Simulator

I am using iOS simulator for testing my application on appium(Version 1.4.13 (Draco)).I first run the application on simulator and then get the .app path and set it as my app path on appium and follow all the instruction that is mention over there in tutorial. But I am getting this warning-“Applications directory /Users/XXXXX/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EXXXXXXXXXXXX/data/Containers/Bundle/Application doesn’t exist. Have you run this simulator before?”
I am using both .app file as well as .ipa file. But getting the same warning.
Please help me out.
Thank you!

Is the app compiled for x86? If you have compiled the app for ARM (real device) you would definitely see something like this on a simulator.

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Thank you for your assistance @wreed sir.
I am a newbie.
I am still having the problem. I have tested on real device,simulator.
I have Xcode 6.4
iOS version 8.4
Appium version 1.4.13
Is this enough for testing an iOS app or I have to upgrade my xcode as well as app build target or iOS version?
Or is there something I am missing?
Please let me know.

Can you give me some clarification on the problem? Here is what I’m getting:

  1. You are testing both the .app and .ipa versions of your app
  2. You’ve run both of these files on Simulator and Real Device
  3. App appears and disappears in loop on both Simulator and Real Device

Are these three statements accurate? You will get the fastest and best help on this site when you give the clearest description of the problem.

For the versions of Xcode, iOS, and Appium, those seem fine.