App Crash When Use Fast Reset capabilities

Hello guys, I am trying to automate an Android app using Appium and UiAutomator2. However, the app crashes when I launch it through Appium, even though all permissions are granted. Additionally, the app continues to crash when I open it manually after the automation completes. However, if I clear the app’s data, it runs normally when launched manually. Could someone assist with this issue? Has anyone encountered a similar situation?

Desired Capabilities:

 desired_caps = {
    "platformName": "Android",
    "appium:options": {
    "automationName": "UiAutomator2",
    "appPackage": app_caps[0],
    "appActivity": app_caps[1],
    "noReset": True,
    "autoGrantPermissions": True,
    "unicodeKeyboard": True,
    "resetKeyboard": True,
    "disableIdLocatorAutocompletion": True}
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only your app developers can help with this issue.

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Hi, have you solve this issue?

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brother i solved it by using those caps

this do fastReset without crashing the app
it has been crashing for me till i found this source