Appium did not work for me with Android OS 4.2.2 device


Just wanted to post this as a bug I found in latest Appium version. I was using a real device with Android OS 4.2.2 and the find element method was not working. I then switched to a 4.4.4 device and everything worked fine. So it seems this version of Appium does not work with some older OS versions. I think this is problematic if somebody wants to run the same script on several devices that have different OS version.


what is the error you got?

Best Regards


ok i was able to reproduce the issue. It occurs because the AndroidElement class tries to obtain an reference to the UIAautomator Configurator during instantiation. Which is 1. unnecessary as there seems to be no need to cache it and 2 let api levels < 18 crash.

Find the code here: