Appium 1.3.7 Release

Appium 1.3.7 is available for download. This is a small release that includes two hotfixes.



  • fix failure to remap session id in proxied responses


  • fix intermittent failure to find Xcode

You can install by running the following npm command:

  npm install <-g> [email protected]

where -g is the option for global installation.

Since I’ve upgraded to 1.3.7 ver , I cannot launch the ios simulator.

The logs :

error: Could not determine Xcode version:Command failed: /bin/sh -c /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c ‘Print CFBundleShortVersionString’ /Applications/ Xcode

error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.

error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.

error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.

error: Could not determine iOS SDK version

info: [debug] Cleaning up appium session

error: Could not pre-launch appium: Error: Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined.

I’vent changed anything in my configurations , and they are equal to the previous configurations I’ve used with 1.3.6 Appium version

downgraded to ver 1.3.6
everything works

I created an issue for this. Let’s move our discussion to GitHub.

If anyone else encounters this issue, remove spaces form your xcode path.

This is a workaround , the main issue should be fixed in 1.3.8

Unable to launch Safari browser in 1.3.7 and getting the error “error: unhandled error: typeerror: cannot read property ‘isinstalled’ of undefined” Then I checkout 1.3.6 branch it is working properly.

Is sendKeys() fixed in this version for IOS??

In what context is sendkeys broken?

While sending input text to UIASecureText Field elements the Sendkeys doesnt work in IOS.

There is one issue i am facing.
when i try to search an element and in case it is not present than.
it gives faliur.
After that i am searching an element.
I am able to found element and click action is perform according to log but in actual click is not happening.
It also gives me an error if i try to call swip after element search fail.

I am testing on android real device moto g,
using appium 1.3.7 and using cucumber.

My Xcode path doesn’t have any space, but I still get the error as below.

Could not get the iOS SDK version because the Xcode version could not be determined

Post you issue in the general forum and your more likely to get help. Also include your logs. If you think its a bug, post the issue on Appium github site.

@derek1106 , What is your path?

Here is my Xcode path.

And I am running Safari test with Appium 1.3.7 on iOS 6 device.
Xcode is 5.1.1.