Appium 1.4.13 GUI install error claiming dev sig needed but .ipa can be installed to device using ideviceinstaller

I can install the .ipa file of my app on through Xcode and ideviceinstaller or iTunes.

When i try to use Appium v1.4.13 Inspector tool to load the app, I get

info: Launching instruments

info: [debug] Attempting to run app on real device with UDID 727dd3554e40218c8194412967d85501ca6bebc9
info: [debug] Spawning instruments with command: /Applications/ -t /Applications/ -D /tmp/appium-instruments/instrumentscli0.trace -w 727dd3554e40218c8194412967d85501ca6bebc9 com.appname.Appname -e UIASCRIPT “/Users/me/Library/Application Support/appium/bootstrap/bootstrap-5923cadea0343e3f.js” -e UIARESULTSPATH /tmp/appium-instruments
info: [debug] And extra without-delay env: {}

info: [debug] And launch timeouts (in ms): {“global”:90000}

info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6 syslogd[25] : ASL Sender Statistics

info: --> GET /wd/hub/status {}

info: [debug] Responding to client with success: {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”},“isShuttingDown”:false},“sessionId”:“8e13e42c-27a6-4378-9ad1-f96843f6da31”}
info: <-- GET /wd/hub/status 200 3.818 ms - 179 {“status”:0,“value”:{“build”:{“version”:“1.4.13”,“revision”:“c75d8adcb66a75818a542fe1891a34260c21f76a”},“isShuttingDown”:false},“sessionId”:“8e13e42c-27a6-4378-9ad1-f96843f6da31”}

info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2015-12-23 08:39:32.669 instruments[567:8965] WebKit Threading Violation - initial use of WebKit from a secondary thread.

info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6 SpringBoard[61] : SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName]

info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6 SpringBoard[61] : MIS: Using empty blacklist.
info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6 SpringBoard[61] : SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName]
info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6 SpringBoard[61] : MIS: Using empty blacklist.
info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6 kernel[0] : xpcproxy[736] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/264DCB07-CBEA-4F88-92CF-877E0141B2CF (sandbox)
info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6 DTServiceHub[290] : Unable to acquire task port after launch of pid 736 (com.perooski.Perooski)
info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:32 Rockville-iPhone-6[1] (UIKitApplication:com.appname.Appname[0xb9c7][736]) : Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9

info: [IOS_SYSLOG_ROW ] Dec 23 08:39:33 Rockville-iPhone-6 SpringBoard[61] : Application ‘UIKitApplication:com.appname.Appname[0xb9c7]’ exited abnormally via signal.
info: [debug] [INST STDERR] 2015-12-23 08:39:33.064 instruments[567:8935] Attempting to change event horizon while disengage
info: [debug] [INST STDERR] Instruments Trace Error : Target failed to run: Permission to debug com.appname.Appname was denied. The app must be signed with a development identity (e.g. iOS Developer).
2015-12-23 08:39:33.066 instruments[567:8966] Attempting to change event horizon while disengage
info: [debug] [INSTSERVER] Instruments exited with code 253
info: [debug] Killall instruments
info: [debug] Instruments crashed on startup
info: [debug] We exceeded the number of retries allowed for instruments to successfully start; failing launch
info: [debug] Stopping iOS log capture
info: [debug] Running ios sim reset flow
info: [debug] Killing the simulator process
info: [debug] Killing any other simulator daemons
info: [debug] Killall iOS Simulator
info: [debug] fullReset requested. Will try to uninstall the app.

info: [debug] Removed com.appname.Appname

error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Instruments crashed on startup

Do you just want to install the app? If so you should just use ideviceinstaller.

If, on the other hand, you want to test the app using Appium/Instruments, then you’ll have to get the app signed with the development identity. The error here is exactly right, Apple will not let you run Instruments on an app unless it is signed with the development identity (e.g. iOS Developer).