@Aleksei, can you please remove /usr/local/bin/appium file using ‘sudo’ and try again to install latest one. because i was able to upgrade appium 1.5 to 1.5.1 without any issue.
How to install it? And where to install it from on appium site it is still showing 1.4 versions
When I downloaded 1.5.1 as a zip which file do i have to run?to install apium?
Hi, pr4bh4sh, I was wondering if there’s a GUI version for 1.5.1 just like 1.4.13 which has Inspector to use? That would be great! If not so, what can we use to inspect element? Thanks for your effort for all of the appium users and Looking forward to your suggestion
There isn’t any GUI version after 1.4.13.
Using inspector
Android - use uiautomatorviewer, it does not provide XPath though. If you need XPath you need to create it yourself.
iOS - Not working on any iOS application automation project for a long time, however, @wreed or @Priyank_Shah (not sure who) has commented on some thread, Here’re the steps
On your test script set a breakpoint just after the driver creation.
Open the GUI version of Appium you have and click on the Inspector button. It should work as if you have started the appium from GUI mode.
Additional tip:
If you are starting Appium on custom port make sure you change the port on GUI versions setting section.
Make sure you have set commandTimeout when starting the server or in caps. So Appium server does not kill the session due to inactivity. I generally user 72000 seconds.
As other members suggested in this forum, you can keep 1.4.13 GUI app open and run the test in debug mode while Appium 1.5.1 server is running. Press the Inspector button on 1.4.13 GUI. you will be able to inspect the elements.
No need to press Launch button.
OK Got it. I just met a problem, which 1.4.13’s inspector shows the XPath is A, but when I use 1.5.1, it found another element, I have checked the code, so I doubt maybe there’s something difference in locating an element wtih XPath, that’s why I ask my question to you. And I’ll check more on my code and others.