Appium 1.5 - Problems with TouchAction on iOS Simulator

Hey there,
My colleague and I have run into a problem with TouchActions on iOS After upgrading to Appium 1.5. The full github is here:

Short Summary:

  • latest 1.5 Appium
  • iOS 9.2 Simulator - iPhone 5S configuration
  • It appears that the x and y coordinates at first inspection are reversed.

Not sure if anyone else has run into this problem.

Thanks in advance!

Yup… I have same problem as you. @shermaneric - do you have any info about fix?

Hi Stefan,
Yes. In 1.5, TouchActions are slightly different, the resulting x/y coordinate pair is a relative swipe rather than an absolute one. If you read on through my original github post, you’ll see some good examples :slight_smile:
Good luck!