Appium 1.6.4-beta Released

CHANGES IN VERSION 1.6.4 Beta (from 1.6.3)

Install with npm install -g appium@beta (you can delete the old installation and add this by running npm uninstall -g appium && npm install -g appium@beta).

Note: This is a BETA release. Please direct any issues to the Appium issue tracker and provide as much information as possible.


  • Fixed UnhandledPromiseRejection errors when running Appium with Node version 7
  • Better indicate missing necessary programs to users
  • Fix session creation logging
  • Fix server shutdown on SIGINT and SIGTERM signals
  • Ensure that all requests have application/json content-type


  • Fix issues with error handling in Safari/Webview handling
  • Increase simulator launch timeout for iOS 10+
  • Better handling of page selection in Safari
  • Fix memory usage issues when device logs get large

iOS - XCUITest

  • Changed the way the Appium checks that WebDriverAgent is running on the device, so that rather than searching the logs, the device is pinged until it is ready.
    • Removed realDeviceLogger capability, since we no longer check the logs
  • Add useNewWDA capability, which forces uninstall of the WDA app from the device before each session
  • Add wdaLaunchTimeout capability, which specified the time, in ms, to wait
    for WDA to be loaded and launched on the device
  • Allow for the auto-generation of the Xcode config file used to configurable WDA before launch. This includes two new desired capabilities
    • xcodeOrgId - the Apple developer team identifier string
    • xcodeSigningId - a string representing a signing certificate, defaulting to
      “iPhone Developer”
  • Allow for automatic changing of bundle id for WDA in cases where a provisioning profile cannot be made for default bundle
    • add updatedWDABundleId capability to specify bundle id for which there is
      a valid provisioning profile
  • Speed up setting the value of text fields
  • Add wdaConnectionTimeout to control how long the server waits for WDA to allow connections
  • Fix handling of local port on real devices
  • Speed up Safari interactions
  • Fix session deletion to ensure that clean up happens
  • Add mobile: swipe execute method
  • Ensure that scrolling through mobile: scroll works in web context


  • Default installation to ChromeDriver 2.26
  • Add device manufacturer, model, and screen size to session details
  • Fix bug in checking avd status on some systems
  • Allow wildcards in appWaitActivity capability

Android - Selendroid

  • Fix handling of host binary configuration for more precise installation options

@isaac can you please clarify how to use > Add mobile: swipe execute method with latest version of appium and iOS 10.x ?

I tried searching in but it still points to older version I guess

If someone wants latest version of appium-xcuitest-driver then follow steps mentioned in

Has there been a new beta release - 1.6.4-beta.2

I installed the beta and it gave me the version as - 1.6.4-beta.2

Also the latest XCUITest-driver-agent 2.25 has issues for me in running the wda agent!

Will this run with enterprise build or only developer builds, another question on my mind.