Appium 2.0 with appium flutter driver capabilities for IOS

Hi All,

I have recently started with automation of my flutter application using Appium 2.0 with appium flutter driver. For android it is working correctly . For IOS , I am facing error. I am using below capabilities:

// Appium capabilities
config.capabilities = [
        'appium:platformName': 'iOS',
        'appium:noReset': false,
        'appium:fullReset': false,
        'appium:maxInstances': 1,
        **'appium:automationName': 'Flutter'**,
        'appium:deviceName': 'iPhone 13',
        'appium:platformVersion': '15.4',
        'appium:app': '../build/ios/iphonesimulator/',
        'appium:appWaitDuration': 20000,
        'appium:newCommandTimeout': 90000,
        'appium:webviewConnectTimeout': 20000,
        'appium:launchTimeout': 5000,
        'appium:fullContextList': true,
        'appium:autoAcceptAlerts': true,
        'appium:chromedriverExecutable': '',
        'appium:chromeOptions': {
            'w3c': false,
            'args': [

_ When I replaced ‘appium:automationName’: ‘Flutter’ , with ‘appium:automationName’: ‘XCUITest’ , it works perfectly.

Can someone please tell me what I am missing here?

Screenshot 2022-07-27 at 11 37 46

Issue is resolved. Follow to create build.