Appium 2 : Windows Application Driver Support

Hi Team ,

Our selenium scripts used to interact directly windows application driver for execution.
Post updating the selenium to version 4.11.0(to support chrome driver) unable to interact with windows application since windows application driver is not compliant with w3c.
Now with selenium 4.11.0 version we are able to interact with windows application’s through appium which internally uses windows application driver. We follow below steps

  1. Node.js : 21.6.1 (includes npm 10.2.4)
  2. Appium 2 & Windows driver: Launch command prompt and execute below commands
    npm i -g appium
    appium driver install --source=npm appium-windows-driver
  3. WinAppDriver : V1.2.1
    Before we want to proceed further with our test case development , We are looking for Appium plan to support windows application driver in further version’s and selenium upgrades.