Appium: 504 error gateway timeout

Hi everyone!

My test script was running before just fine: rebooting the emulator in order, setting the right configurations/capabilities; then attempting to run my test script.

However, after Appium decided to update to a new version (though not successfully), I received a 504 gateway timeout error.

Gateway Timeout


Server error - server is unreachable at this moment.

Please retry the request or contact your... > info: JSONWP Proxy: Proxying [GET /status] to [GET] with no body > info: JSONWP Proxy: Got response with status 504: 504 Gateway Timeout

So it seems that executing my test script in eclipse is connecting it to 4723 on the local server if these errors are able to be displayed right?

I’m also behind a company proxy, but I’m not sure how much that would matter (should I configure appium somehow for the proxy? I already configured the emulator for the proxy).

I just am at a lost on what I should do.

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Hi Yong_Dich,
Did you got any solution for this?
We face similar error on selenium grid with appium 1.5.3.

Kindly update if you resolved the same.

Did you fix this issue ?

Getting this error when trying to start session on Appium 1.0.0 on windows 7 machine.
Does anyone else get this error?