Appium and iOS 9.x

Hi guys,

I saw this being discussed already, but I didn’t see any definite answer:

does Appium work with iOS 9.x?

I specifically use Appium 1.4.11 and iOS 9.01 on my iPhone and iPad (and Yosemite on my Mac).


I’ve been using both real devices and simulators with Appium and iOS 9 just fine.

Thanks Eric!

Do you mind if I ask if you are with the Appium project?


Hi Nathan,
I’m just someone who is implementing the Appium framework for my particular company. Feel free to message me separately for any more questions around this. Thanks!

Thanks Eric! That’s very nice of you!

My developer and I are having an issue where the simulator starts and gets to Safari (we are testing a web app) - but then loads the local host and then reloads it over and over again.

What are we doing wrong?


I haven’t had the need yet to use the Safari Standalone browser (only webviews). I’ve had success with webviews using the ios_webkit_debug_proxy. Hopefully someone else can assist on this one.
Good luck!

Thanks Eric. Will try to solve this :slight_smile: