Appium Android Parallel Execution

I’m using Selenium Hub to execute my script parallely on two android devices.
I have created hub.bat which is as follows:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -port 4444 -role hub maxInstances=5 maxSession=5 -timeout 90000

I have created two node config json files which looks as follows:

D:\Appium\node.exe D:\Appium\node_modules\appium\bin\appium.js --nodeconfig D:\Appium\AppiumParallel\appiumnode_s5.json -p 4777 --no-reset -U 4d0095c84fa53187

The nodes are getting connected to the hub. But when i execute the script it executes only on one device.
Please let me know if i’m missing anything.

Try to add --tmp /tmp/tempFolder to start server command
And seperate the ports -p 4740 and 4741 for the other (for example )


Tried the solution that you have suggested. But No luck.
Its still invoking only one device that too the device which is registered first to the Selenium grid.


try this framework