Appium automation not working correctly on intelx86 based emulator

I have an automation script using appium-python-client which run fine on
following configuration of the android emulator:

1)target:Google APIs -API level 19

but this was too slow.So i switched to new emulator with following configuration

1)target:Google APIs(x86 System Image)-API level 19
2)CPU:Intel Atom (x86)

This is very fast in booting and everything.But my script fails randomly and passes once in a while with following reasons

1)The app screen loaded incompletely(When i minimise and maximise manually it appears correctly,so element could not be found)

2) passed but effect not visible on Emulator UI(so element could not be found)

Does anybody has any idea how these issues can be resolved?I added implicitwait but that didnt help either.The same steps work fine in arm based cpu but not in intel based.

My Conf:

Mac OSX El Capitan (10.11.3)
Appium 1.5.0
Android Sdk Manager :24.4.1

I have disabled Use Host GPU and everything is working fine.You can close this as its not a bug.