Appium - Can someone share details on parallel execution of Appium script on multiple Android/ iOS devices

Appium - Can someone share details on parallel execution of Appium script on multiple Android/ iOS devices.

You should work with selenium grid.
Selenium grid is basically a hub with an address. For example “http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
You connect nodes to the hub using a command from the terminal:
appium --nodeconfig $HOME/…/…/lg4.json -p 4725 --command-timeout 2000 -U LGH7…
(each node talks to a different android device for example).
Your script talks to the hub, the hub talks to the nodes, the nodes talk to the android devices.

Thanks for you reply shay…

But I’m looking for some help/ steps…how to connect devices with selenium grid and how to run the script and all…

@AppiumGuru Hope this helps

Thanks :slight_smile: will go through the same and let you know.

Hello @saikrishna321

I tried this and observed that devices are registered on the appium hub. but when I run script, it runs successful on one of the devices and for another device. it shows that Appium session can’t be created.

Please let me know, if any specific setting needs to be done for this problem.

Thanks in advance.

U don’t need the Appium hub config … this helps u trigger parallel tests locally… all devices connected to the same machine. …


But can you help on this problem, if I connect two devices with grid [hub] and one device works and another throws appium session can’t be created.

is ur webdriver static?