Appium Chrome Element Identification issue with Android 10 device

Hi all,
I am using Appium desktop version 1.20.0.
I am having issue with identifying chrome element in Android device Samsung Galaxy S9+ with Android 10 version, i am changing it to chrome webview ,waiting for some time 20-40sec also for identifying chrome element, but it’s still not able to identify element. I am running my same script for another device,i.e,Samsung Galaxy S8 with Android 9 version, there I can see Chrome it’s using as Webview implementation in developer options while in Android 10 it’s using Android system webview. I have researched and found, from android 10 webview is separate component & not combined with Google chrome, from my view i guess it’s Android System Webview only.Let me know if I am wrong.
Chrome and Appium system webview version I am using is:- 115.0.5790.138
I have updated chrome,Appium system webview, gooogle play services to latest version in android device, cleared caches, rebooted the device, Still I am not been able to identify element with device containing Android 10 version.
Please help me to resolve the issue.

Hello. My guess is it likely related to the latest changes in chromedriver storage.

Here the statement: " * If you are using Chrome version 115 or newer, please consult the Chrome for Testing availability dashboard. This page provides convenient JSON endpoints for specific ChromeDriver version downloading."

So Appium just need a new version of chromedriver.

If you’re using chromedriver automatic downloading then here is a description (might required UIAutomator2 driver updates up to version 5.6)