Appium: command not found

I was install appium and all depend libs, but my terminal can’t found appium. When I write appium I get : -bash: appium: command not found. I also tried which appium and then I get nothing. I tried to find it with help cmd : ls -l /usr/local/bin/appium then I get output : lrwxr-xr-x 1 admin staff 71 Jun 22 17:47 /usr/local/bin/appium -> /Users/Hellengo/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/appium/build/lib/main.js . How can I make that the terminal see the appium ?

Start from let us know - how you installed appium?

Hope with terminal command: npm install -g appium

When I was install appium, I used npm install - g appium

Then command: “appium” in terminal should start appium server. You should find path to appium with command: “which appium”.

No, I cant , read my first post

You need to add the path to $PATH:

it mean that installation of appium was not successful. try to uninstall and install again (and look at install logs)

wreed - sorry , but i cant check it right now.
Aleksei - I checked it by appium-doctor and everything is good, have you read my first post ?, my appium works fine, just my terminal couldnt find it (I dont know why, but it exists in another folder and appium-doctor too ), when I enter the folder where they exist and then execute it - everything is ok. And I was trying to uninstall appium and appium-doctor - it didnt help

If you installed appium GUI version then command line is not installed. And appium doctor does not check this. So you have 2 options:

  • install command line appium verion
  • as suggested before add PATH to installed appium folder

Some log:

+ [email protected]
added 535 packages in 83.613s


npm -g list
├─┬ [email protected]

but my terminal still cant find it , then i was trying set path but it didnt help me


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Thanks for posting the solution. I’ll note that my link has references for fixing this in zsh.

Hi Team, I am still struggling to resolve this issue. I have installed Appium globally by hitting “npm install -g appium” after un-installing it globally with command “npm uninstall -g appium”.
I am using webdriverIO for mobile automation, when I am trying to hit appium -v or any other appium command its saying “zsh: command not found: appium”.

I ran this command npm uninstall -g appium-doctor && npm install -g appium-doctor

Then ran appium-doctor
again and it worked