Appium console for testing mobile web?

I have recently started on a new project to expand our existing test automation for desktop browsers - comprised of WebDriver/Cucumber/Ruby - to now cover mobile browsers. Specifically, I am focused on getting a small set of tests to work against Safari on a simulated iPhone 6. In reading through the docs and tutorials I’ve come across the appium console, which I understand is built on top of the Pry gem. What I’m wondering is whether or not the console is intended for use with native applications only, or can it be used for debugging mobile web as well? Or should I just use the Pry gem instead?

So far, when I run the arc command to start up the console, I don’t find it very helpful to do a source or page command only to have the entire page source dumped to my terminal window, but I’m very new at this and admit my ignorance on its usage.