Appium Desktop not finding elements at run-time on Mac OS X, using App4Mac Server

i am using Appium Client 1.18.0-1 with AppiumForMac on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7.
I am able to use the Appium Inspector to verify an UI element exists in Word hiearchy.

I’ve set up android studio and all of its library, and ran the appium-doctor, and it came back “Everything looks good, bye!”

NOTE: This is a desktop app on MacBook, not IOS. Do i need to get bootstrap and XCUI agent to work for desktop app, not IOS apps?

However, at run-time, trying to find element by id or name, which was verified with Appium Inspector, would return empt array:
[2020-10-01 12:57:20][W3C (3837fe01)] Driver proxy active, passing request on via HTTP proxy

[2020-10-01 12:57:20][WD Proxy] Matched ‘/wd/hub/session/3837fe01-432d-4394-9154-6caed1450020/elements’ to command name ‘findElements’

[2020-10-01 12:57:20][WD Proxy] Proxying [POST /wd/hub/session/3837fe01-432d-4394-9154-6caed1450020/elements] to [POST] with body: {“using”:“name”,“value”:“CUIDocumentShellWindowTitleLabel”}

[2020-10-01 12:57:22][WD Proxy] Got response with status 200: {“status”:0,“sessionId”:“wGqs5jrS”,“value”:[]}

[2020-10-01 12:57:22][WD Proxy] Replacing sessionId wGqs5jrS with 3837fe01-432d-4394-9154-6caed1450020

[2020-10-01 12:57:22][HTTP] <-- POST /wd/hub/session/3837fe01-432d-4394-9154-6caed1450020/elements 200 2182 ms - 74

[2020-10-01 12:57:22]

Please help.