Appium desktop WDA build failure in xcode

PFA Screnshot below. I’ve been getting this error while test it in Xcode. Kindly help me out if u know anything on this.

With integrated app, able to install it without fail. While testing it with webdriveragent-Runner, the test was failed and got issue as Screeenshot.

Xcode version - 11.4.1
Appium dekstop - 1.15.1v

Thanks in advance Uploading: AppiumDesktop_fail.png…

screenshot link does not work

PFA screenshot

Can anyone share ur knowledge on this issue. I’ve been stuck in that, couldn’t find out the solution. I uninstalled and re-installed the appium. Desktop 1.15v again. Even though facing same above mentioned issue when I click - Product -->Test with WDA runner app.

Rest builds are passed successfully after running, testing profile and clean build. Only encountered issue with ‘Test’.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

update appium version to 1.17 (better 1.18) and update xCode also

Okay will update after some time. One more query is, now the Xcode test has been build successfully. When I running in appium desktop by connecting one of the physical device got below err. How to resolve it?

Encountered internal error running command: Error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: _appiumSupport.fs.createReadStream is not a function.

per error WDA did not build. check derived data folder that IPA file created.

I have updated the appium desktop to 1.18 and while building it with xcode got below issue.

did you run 2 commands before open project in xCode?

mkdir -p Resources/WebDriverAgent.bundle
./Scripts/ -d

Yes i ran these two commands before opening in Xcode.


  1. with xCode: Product -> Clean Build folder
  2. quite xCode
  3. delete all data in DerivedData folder “/Users/YOUR_USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData”
  4. build again with xCode

PS dev signature hoope you added to WDA

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Thanks a lot, issue has been resolved after following up the above steps as u mentioned.


Hi ,

Not able to locate the any elements on the screen. Used version of appium is 1.18.

Please let me know, If i did any mistake or anything else.

Thanks in advance

it looks like web view. so enable on phone web debug in Safari. ask iOS developer to expose web for debug in app. and first try to see elements with Safari browser on Mac.

Oh okay… Thank u for sharing the content reg web view. Let me check it out.