Appium Desktop with proxy authentication


In my organization we need to connect Appium Desktop with UFTMobile in cloud.
To do it, we need to connect through a proxy with credentials to access to Internet.

I have set proxy settings (url, user and password) in Internet Options (Windows environment) and I achieve UFTMobile through the website. However, Appium Desktop is not able to connect to UFTMobile and I don’t see anywhere to put user and password values. I only get the error: “ECONNRESET”

I just tried with another computer outside my organization, and with the same parameters and version, and I connect correctly to UFTMobile in cloud. So, the main problem is the proxy authentication.

Is it possible to specify proxy credentials in Appium Desktop?
Is it posible to use the system credentials and settings?

Appium Desktop 1.20.2 (Windows)



Got any solution here? ran into same issues. Somehow the proxies are working fine the Appium client started via an IDE like Intellij.

Tried the options in Advanced mode to specify “Allow Unauthorised Certificates” and “Use Proxy”, but no luck. details can be found here:

Now exploring options to start Appium Inspector to the Appium command line.



Yes, we archive it with the following proxy URL: http://user:passsword@proxy url:proxy port

And activating the button “Allow Unauthorised Certificates”.

We don’t need to open Appium Desktop with special command lines, all done through the UI.

The only problem is anyone can read the passsword as is plain text.
