Appium different the behavior for different ios devices

appium 1.2.0-beta.1 (1.2.0-beta.1)
On iPhone 6 model 1524 ios 10.3.2
Appium finds element by name and clicks ii but is not worked (element was found and there was clicked but nothing happens). I must use xpath to find parent of this element and clicks on parent, is works
On iPhone SE model 1723 ios 10.3.2
Appium finds element by name and clicks it and is worked.

is someone has same problem? it is ios problem or appium?

@CrashTestDummy with different phone models it can view differently (depending how your app is coded). you need either to correct your xpath to meet both views or use something like below (it will look for any of first element available):

    @HowToUseLocators(iOSXCUITAutomation = LocatorGroupStrategy.ALL_POSSIBLE)
    @iOSXCUITFindBy(id = "actionButton")
    @iOSXCUITFindBy(id = "cellGenericButton") //old client
    private List<IOSElement> elList;
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