Appium failed to Run the script in command prompt in windows

I need to run my script in Appium server but am getting this error can some help me (in windows)

error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: Activity used to start app doesn’t exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity
info: [debug] Error: Activity used to start app doesn’t exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity
at [object Object]. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:1146:21)
at [object Object]. (C:\Program Files (x86)\Appium\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-adb\lib\adb.js:180:9)
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:204:7)
at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:827:16)
at Process.ChildProcess.handle.onexit (internal/childprocess.js:211:5)
info: [debug] Responding to client with error: {“status”:33,“value”:{“message”:“A new session could not be created. (Original error: Activity used to start app doesn’t exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity)”,“origValue”:“Activity used to start app doesn’t exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity”},“sessionId”:null}
info: <-- POST /wd/hub/session 500 15364.080 ms - 346


Please check the appActivity that you used to launch the app.

i changed but its showing same error

can u give me ur mail id- so that i send u my code

Are you sure that you get the mainActivity exactly?

You can send via message (click in on my profile and you can see).

am unable send message. can u text some message i wil reply to that

I sent message to you.

USE this it may fix the problem
capabilities.setCapability(“appPackage”, “”);
capabilities.setCapability(“appActivity”, “”);