Appium fails to identify elements in certain Webviews on 5.0 devices if target SDK for app is set to 23 version

Do we need to any changes in app for appium to correctly identify elements in Webview on 5.0 version and above, if app is complied against SDK 23 version ?

Appium version - 1.4.8
Java client - 3.3.0

Working fine on 4.4 device

I only know that performing this call in the application is required for web view debugging:

With that said, however, you said that you were able to retrieve the elements on API 19 devices, which means your devs probably already enabled this for debug builds, or you might be looking at elements where this debugging ability is not needed.

I have noticed that there some elements are not treated the same on pre-Lollipop devices, however. What’s the difference in your case?

@Rams: I am also facing the same issue. Appium identifies elements on 4.4 device but not on 5.0 devices after changing the sdks to 23.

Please help, if you have found some workaround/solution.

I am also facing the same issue. Appium identifies elements on 4.4 device but not on 5.0 devices after changing the sdks to 23.

Please help, if anyone has found some workaround/solution.