Appium fills up my startup disk

Hi. I have a problem. When I run appium, my startup disk get filled up. This happens with appium 1.6 on mac el capitan (10.11.6) when running ios tests. I also put these capabilities
fullReset: true,
preventWDAAttachments: true
} but it doesn’t seems to help.

Any ideas? Thanks

I used to see this. I used ‘Disk Inventory X’ to find the files and delete them. Once I did that I’m not seeing the problem anymore. I never did figure out why there were so many files created.

you need to use LATEST beta. 1.6.4 to fix issue.
for 100% sure before (or after completing) tests execute (i left it for sure also):

rm -fR /Users/YOUR_USER_NAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/* || true

first time when this folder large from many logs of previous runs it can take longer.

more to read see

Ok. Thanks for you fast responses :slight_smile: