Appium for Android with multiple Fragments

I am using Appium for automating my Android app. I have a fragment to enter email and after verifying that second fragment with password field will be loaded. I am able to find all elements in the first fragment; but elements in the second fragment can’t be found using any of the methods like By, PageFactory + @AndroidFindBy. Can someone provide a help to sort this issue?

Can you post a screenshot of Appium desktop hierarchy tree of the second fragment?

If I use single fragments inside activities it works fine. But it doesn’t work if we have multiple fragments inside an activity and we try to find elements inside those fragments.
I saw lot of tickets created asking about the support for fragments. (some are added below)

Is there any official note on this?Whether appium supports multiple fragments or not?

I am automating an native Android App.
On login screen i am able to find elements and when it move from login screen to home screen on this screen selenium not able to find the element.
I did research on this and i found this is happening due to fragment so can anyone help on this?

 My Test Class Code:-

ScreenLocator Class from where i wrote locator:-

Screenshot of uiAutomatorViewer

I am getting NoSuchElement exception when clickOnSideBarIcon() gets called.
@PoornimaSuraj do you how to handle this

Hello @Sunny.Menghani , its worth debugging to check if this falls within the same window . Try debugging with “driver.getWindowHandles();” This would return a list of the windows that are present within the app. If there are more than one window, you could try switching to the next window to see if the object gets identified there.