Hi, I am currently using Appium for my personal app testing and I am planning to use Appium in a testing tool which is commercial in nature.
My question is, Can Appium be used in a commercial version?
Hi, I am currently using Appium for my personal app testing and I am planning to use Appium in a testing tool which is commercial in nature.
My question is, Can Appium be used in a commercial version?
Appium is an open source project. Check the Appium Philosophy.
Thanks John. Appium is an open source project and that’s great.
Even Selenium is an open source project. but they have a Web page “http://docs.seleniumhq.org/about/license.jsp” stating “All Selenium projects are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.”
I couldn’t find similar on Appium website. Please pardon me if it is there and I couldn’t find it.
@JohnBinish Appium license was changed “Appium Committers” to “Copyright 2012-2016 Sauce Labs, Inc.”
Is it still allowed to use appium in commertial products?
What do you think about copyright license in an open source project?