Appium for ios apps

Hi All ,

I am a beginner for ios apps and I found appium very intresting to work with .I would like to request you all to put in any work or links that can be helpfull for a startup in ios + appium .

Thanks all ,

Here are some tips for setting up the environment :smiley:


Mac OS 10.7 + required

Prerequisite :-

Eclipse for mac os
Download JDK 8 (.dmg file)
Developers account access for Apple
Xcode 6.1.1 (IDE)
Command Line tools (OS X 10.9)

1.Install jdk
2.Command Line tools
3.Xcode …Double click on the hammer …then drag it and put it in your application folder.

Under application > Xcode … double click > Create a new Xcode project

Single view application > Fill in the details > Folder name > Create

New Project Window > Click on the Left hand top play button > Stimulator is opening up

To match with your phone screen …Window > Scale

Terminal … java -version (version number came then OK)

Download Appium > Install > Drag and drop to the application location
Check for the appium icon at application location.

APM needs to access all your stimulator > Click on YES

Click on APM Doctor > Check the logs
In case node is not installed > Click on the reason and it gets installed

Can I have Appium set up on windows ?

In order to test android apps …we can put in appium on windows but as far i know there is a Beta support given to windows .

NOTE :- I am not 100 % sure on it :sleepy: