Appium - How to verify Player controls (Play, pause, volume, FS ?)


This is my first post and new to appium. Trying to solve a problem that will help me automate this application on Android.

We have Instant articles in Facebook which in turn navigates you to in-app browser within the application. This pages shows some videos. But when using Uiautomatorviewer, the elements i can use is just class and package-name. At this point i want to do actions like Play, Pause, Volume etc on the player itself and then verify these actions.

How am i able handle this using appium ? I am not trying to record a video, all i want to verify is player controls. Any help in this case is appreciated. I have attached a screenshot of how the in-app browser looks like within the application.


Any help in how to identify this web view elements within this hybrid app would be of great help. Looking for some solutions ? Thanks in advance.