Appium identifies the elements very slowly on a particular screen in my App

@wreed @bootstrap @jlipps

Screen name : Update Screen

History of the issue:

when we navigate to this update screen, screen will get set sync with server and the buttons which is displaying below will get enabled.

Issue: once the screen gets synced, initially we were not able to identify the elements available in this screen through UIAutomator and got the below error.

Workaround: Capturing the screen during the syncing process with the server then we were able to get the elements of the screen (Find the below screen shot).

Now we have all the elements and able to automate the screen.

Problem is identification timing, Appium takes lot of time to identify the simple ‘Begin Update’ button element that is in above screen shot.

Tried all the options, FindByID, FindByXpath & FindByAndroidUIAutomator

@AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = “new UiSelector().resourceId(“”)”)
@FindBy(id= “”)
@FindBy(xpath= “//android.widget.Button[@text=‘Begin Update’]”)

Please let me know, what i have missed also suggestion to improve the quick idenfication of an element.

Really appreciate your help!