Appium inspector does not have selenium grid as cloud agent

Hi Team,

We already support Browser stack and saucelab cloud agents through Appium for android and iOS mobile devices. Now I am planning to support selenium grid cloud agent too but as I saw over Appium inspector that there is no selenium grid cloud agent option but over Appium documentation below link
Appium and Selenium Grid - Appium Documentation ,
I saw there is some info like how we can perform operation using selenium grid

Could you please confirm , do selenium grid support mobile automation through appium ?
if yes, may i know why selenium grid option is not available over Appium inspector ?

Thank You,
Munish Kumar

@Aleksei could you please share some insights about above query if you have any info ?

sorry. I did not use Appium Inspector for 7+ years

ok. Thank you for the reply.

@Hassan_Radi @karthik_holla @Eyal_Sooliman @rgonalo @Arvind_Patel can anyone share some insights on above query ?