Appium Inspector is unabe to detect inApp-dialog elements

Appium: v2.0.1
Appium Inspector: v2024.3.1
Simulator: iOS 17.4 iPhone 15
Used Language: Kotlin with xcuitest v7.13.0

When I want to access an app dialog, it is not recognized by the inspector. Instead, the elements behind it are recognized and only these appear in the DOM tree. The dialog itself is visually visible in the appium inspector preview screen, but does not appear in the DOM-Tree. Closing and opening the app again does not help.

However, the dialog can be found in the XCode Inspector.

I have followed this posts advice and made sure, that the elements are marked accessible.

I currently ran out of ideas on why this is happening and i haven’t found a similar bug report in this forum. Any help is greatly appreciated!

This dialog might not belong to the app itself, but to the springboard. Check appium-xcuitest-driver/docs/guides/ at master · appium/appium-xcuitest-driver · GitHub

The dialog is an in-App Dialog that does not belong to the system, e.g. locationPermissionDialog.
So sadly, this doesn’t fix it :confused:

may I ask how did you verify that?

Well, i was under the assumption that any dialog, that is created inside the app is part of the app and is handled there and not by the springboard.
What i did is using Mobile:activateApp to switch to the springboard. → The App closed, but with it the dialog closed as well.
This is different to when i use this function to bring the locationPermissionDialog to the foreground.

Well, i was under the assumption that any dialog, that is created inside the app is part of the app and is handled there and not by the springboard.

Unfortunately Apple has different ideas.
You may use the defaultActiveApplication setting to switch between apps

Sadly, i was unable to switch between apps. Could it be possible, that there is a different reason why the dialog is unobtainable?

Nevermind, i found the error on my end: I was unable to click on the dialog, but the elements were shown correctly in the DOM tree.
Still thank you for your support.
Appreciate it! <3